Contact us

In order to register with Building Bridges you must:

  1. have refugee status in the UK OR be an asylum seeker with permission to work, be in the UK under a resettlement scheme
  2. live in Greater London at the time of applying to join the programme
  3. have been a health professional in your home country and are now wishing to register and work in your profession in the UK
  4. have upper intermediate English language level. (ESOL 1 / C in OET / 6.0 in IELTS)

Do you have permission to work?

Immigration status

Professional qualifications: this programme is for registered health professionals only. What is your health profession?

Level of English language: This programme is suitable for those with a high level of English (ESOL Level 1 or OET C). What level is your English language?

Access to IT: this programme is delivered on-line. Do you have a laptop or tablet and reliable internet connection?

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Organisations supporting RHPs outside London

If you are not currently living in London and want to access support here are some organisations who may be able to help: